Tag Archives: Pirates


21 Apr

Capt HookI don’t know about you but I simply cannot resist a pirate. Most recently I’ve added Captain Hook of Once Upon a Time to my ship of wicked, sexy bad boys.

So naturally, when I originally wrote my futuristic romance series set in Innerworld, I allowed myself the guilty pleasure of having one of my heroes be a space pirate. His name was Gallant Voyager and I’ve included the original cover of his book (the new one’s not ready yet) so you’ll see why I would have willingly gone off to a barbaric planet with him. My heroine wasn’t so thrilled with being kidnapped by him however.stard-cover

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, I’ve been having a great time revising and updating the Innerworld Affairs books and “FIERCE VOYAGER” (originally “Stardust Dreams”) reminded me how much fun it is to play with pirates. The release of the series as new digital books is still about a month off but in the meantime, you can get a look at the blurb and excerpt here.

Do you have a thing for pirates too? Do you have favorites, movie or book characters? I leave you with a couple more of mine –

Capt Jack     Errol FlynnJack SparrowWishing you many exciting voyages,

Marilyn Campbell

http://www.marilyncampbell.com; FB: AuthorMarilynCampbell; Tw: marilyncampbel3

Guest Blogger, USA Today Bestselling Author, MARSHA CANHAM!

4 Jun

Hello Passionate Readers!

Joining us to today is USA Today Best-Selling Author, Marsha Canham! 

We are thrilled to have her here and here’s what she has to say about her writing career and about her latest releases…

PR (Shannon Emmel): Welcome to Passionate Reads, Marsha!  Thanks for taking the time to blog with us!

Marsha: Thank you so much for inviting me.  Although I think I sort of invited myself after exchanging Tweets with you one day. 🙂

Shannon (PR): We go back a while and one of the things I love about you, besides your books of course,  is your irreverence.  You have a lust for life that is amazing. You always seem to enjoy yourself and never take yourself too seriously….

Marsha: I tried taking myself seriously once, but it didn’t work out. I see you found a picture of the Norma Desmonds. These ladies are all Loopies…friends who were under contract with Dell more than fifteen years ago and joined an email loop.

We’ve stuck together through thick and thin and celebrated our victories, commiserated with our losses, and simultaneously kicked things while sharing frustrations. In case the faces are not familiar in vamp mode, that would be Julia London, Connie Brockway, moi, Sherri Erwin Browning, Jacquie D’Alessandro, and in the front, the queen herself, Virginia Henley. Missing from the vamp squad are Julie Ortolon and Jill Gregory, neither of whom attended the conference that year, and I’m sure that was the *only* reason they didn’t do the Norma with us.

Shannon (PR): LOL Of course …I’m sure  that’s the only reason 🙂

I’ve been a fan for years, but please, tell our readers a bit about YOU…

Marsha: Hmmm. Where to start for a *bit*? Continue reading

NY Times Best-Selling Author, Virginia Henley Guest Blogger TODAY at Passionate Reads!

3 Sep

Hello Passionate Readers!

Joining us to today is NYTimes Best Selling Author Virginia Henley! We are thrilled to have her here  and here’s what she has to say about “That beautiful cock” and sooooo much more!

PR (Shannon Emmel): Welcome to Passionate Reads, Virginia! Thanks for taking the time to blog with us!

 Virginia:  It is a pleasure to blog with you. I was most flattered when you invited me.

 PR:  I’ve known you and been a fan for years, but  for some of our new readers, tell us a bit about YOU…

 Virginia: I was born in Bolton, Lancashire, England, and immigrated to Canada where at fourteen I meet my future husband, Art.  We’ve been together ever since and now live in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. I have just adopted a rescue dog, a miniature Schnauzer, I call Lily, who was kept in a cage for four years for breeding purposes. She was very frightened, timid, and apprehensive four months ago when I got her.  I was determined to spoil her and turn her into a cheeky little bitch.  I believe I have succeeded.

 PR: You are the mistress of opening with a “hook” that grabs the reader’s attention and then keeping them going all the way to “the end”…

Let’s cut to the chase: “What a beautiful cock!”  We want details please!

Continue reading