What?! I give you a mind blowing climax…then it’s just over?

10 Apr

Call me crazy (it wouldn’t be the first time), but does anyone else out there think writing a great story is a LOT like having great sex?

Wait a minute…ya gotta hear me out on this one—

The writing process has distinct “stages” that we all approach in different ways and it dawned on me as I got out of the shower this morning (and NO, you don’t want to know WHY it dawned on me at that particular instant), that those stages have an odd correlation to SEX.

Foreplay— The teasing, tantalizing stage that takes us from an uninspired cold start, definitely gets our attention and gets us “in the mood” for          so much more!

That would be the part where we get the first inkling of a story idea. Where the characters start nibbling at us, teasing us. Foreplay is how they get us going and wanting more.

 Oral Sex— That’s the stage where you start getting down to business, when you really start getting into it. Time to get serious and get prepared for what’s ahead.

This is the characterization and plotting stage and where the story takes shape in our minds. When we begin to talk to our characters and they begin to talk through us. (That would be the ORAL part…perhaps not what you were thinking, but we write erotic fiction…so you’re forgiven ;o). Words start flowing and before you know it there is no turning back. You ARE committed and there is no way you’re stopping now!

Multiple Orgasms/ Mini Orgasms— The passionate peaks and valleys that drive us forward. The heart pounding, blood pumping, passionate pinnacles that leave us breathless and satisfied, but somehow…still wanting more.

This is the stage where the conflict and tension builds over and over again, moving the story forward harder and faster and faster still until that final massive climax.

Final Massive Climax— This is the home stretch. The ultimate goal is within our grasp and so, we keep pushing, pounding and reaching for it until everything shatters and comes together all in one moment of sparkling brilliance.

Hmmm…You’d  think that part is pretty self explanatory, but think again :o)

This is that final, frantic, adrenaline-driven stage, where we lock ourselves behind closed doors and only come out for chocolate, caffeine, water or the painfully necessary trip to the “loo”. We know the story is almost complete—we can see it in our heads, feel it in our very souls. So we push ourselves beyond reason and exhaustion until we get to the finish line and type the final words. This is what we’ve been working toward from the beginning.

Afterglow— The euphoric stage! Just bask in the moment, and try to breath.

This is the stage where we are filled with a satisfaction so sublime it is beyond description or explanation. This is it. It’s over. Finished. We did it!

We and our stories are complete  and completely satisfied and for those of you who smoke…now would be the time to light up.

This is…“The End”

Until next time that is. Happy sexing, er— I mean writing. Happy writing.




7 Responses to “What?! I give you a mind blowing climax…then it’s just over?”

  1. Kaily Hart April 10, 2011 at 6:56 am #

    LOL. Love it. That’d work except for me I’m having forplay all the time and get stuck at the multiple orgasm part, but who’s complaining??

    BTW, I’ve always spelled ‘lew’ the ‘loo’ :).

    Happy Writing!

    • shannonemmel April 10, 2011 at 8:22 am #

      LOL… You’re right! It IS “loo”!

      Hmmmm…Must have gotten the “painfully necessary trip” confused with a trip to my personal trainer… His name is Lew, too!


  2. Marilyn Campbell April 10, 2011 at 7:39 am #

    Good Sunday morning giggles! Thanks Shannon. What a fun way to look at a story’s structure!

  3. Desiree Holt April 10, 2011 at 1:33 pm #

    Shannon, this is hysterical! Thanks for a really good laugh. And what a clever post.

  4. Crystal Kauffman April 12, 2011 at 9:05 pm #

    This is soooo true! And just like sex, while writing some books I just barrel along, knowing how all my plots and subplots are going to wrap up, the characters’ conflicts and motivations are clear and the story just ties itself up in an explosion of satisfaction…and then there are some stories where I struggle along and not sure if I’m going to be able to do this and I have to work really hard for that climax…er, I mean “the end” 🙂

  5. shannonemmel July 22, 2015 at 6:20 pm #

    Reblogged this on shannonemmel.

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